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Eek, How Do I Even Type This?

That great panic, right? Its easy. You need to install an apl font and a keyboard layout:

The font is Apl385 Unicode which you need to install on your dev machine You should also install an APL keyboard on your dev machine. Download and installation instructions are available on the Dyalog apl font and keyboards page.

If you are a Mac user just print out this cheat sheet and away you go:

Mac Keyboard Cheat Sheet

If you are a windows user, lets talk and I will add a cheat sheet for you.

Writing programmes in apl is very iterative, using the repl Rappel - which has its own in-browser keyboard.

If you are hardcore, you can even buy a special APL keyboard and be the envy of your pals ;-)

Oooh, fancy

Look at the symbols on that