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defmodule LiterateCompiler.Tree do


This is a generic tree walking function given a root directory it walks over all the sub directories

The first arguement of the public api is the root directory and the second is a function of arity 1 which is called when a file is found

	@empty_accumulator []

Public API

  def walk_tree(directorylist, fun), do: walk_tree(directorylist, fun, @empty_accumulator)

Private Fns

  defp walk_tree([], _fun, acc), do: acc
  defp walk_tree([h | t], fun, acc) do
    newacc = case File.dir?(h) do
      true  -> wildcard = Path.join(h, "*")
               entries = Path.wildcard(wildcard)
               Enum.flat_map(entries, fn x -> walk_tree([x], fun, acc) end)
      false -> file = fun.(h)
               [file | acc]
    walk_tree(t, fun, newacc)
