Skip to the content.
defmodule LiterateCompiler.TOC do


This generates a table of contents in yaml for Jekyll

	@empty_accumulator []

	alias LiterateCompiler.Outputter

Public API

	def make_toc(files, args) do
		split = split(files, @empty_accumulator)
		sorted = Enum.sort(split, &sorter/2)
		toc = build_tree(sorted, args, @empty_accumulator)
		# the toc starts with a line 'toc:' and a title and subfolder
		header = ["    subfolderitems:",
				  "  - title: Contents",
		# we start indenting at 2 because the header has an indent in it
		file = indent(toc, header)
		fileandpath = Path.join([args.outputdir, "_data/contents.yml"])
		write_dir = Path.dirname(fileandpath)
		:ok = File.mkdir_p(write_dir)
		File.write(fileandpath, Enum.join(file, "\n"))

Private Fns

yaml is a pain in the arse, white space matters language so you have to write an indenter

	defp indent([], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc)
	defp indent([{ {:url, _n}, line} | t], acc) do
		newacc = pad(line, 4)
		indent(t, [newacc | acc])
	defp indent([{:title, line} | t], acc) do
		newacc = pad(line, 1)
		indent(t, [newacc | acc])
	defp indent([{:sub, line} | t], acc) do
		newacc = pad(line, 2)
		indent(t, [newacc | acc])
	defp indent([{:page, line} | t], acc) do
		newacc = pad(line, 3)
		indent(t, [newacc | acc])

	defp build_tree([], _args, acc) do
	defp build_tree([{path, file} | t], args, acc) do
		case Enum.member?(args.excludes, Path.join(path ++ [file])) do
			true ->
				build_tree(t, args, acc)
			false ->
				{page, url} = get_components(path ++ [file], args)
				len = length(path)
				newacc = [{ {:url, len}, url}, {:page, page}]
				build_tree(t, args, newacc ++ acc)

	defp get_components(path, args) do

		oldext = Path.extname(path)
		oldfile = Path.join(path)
		newfile = Outputter.make_write_file(oldfile, args.inputdir, args.outputdir, "html")
		newpath = String.split(newfile, "/")

		# do some setup
		rev = Enum.reverse(newpath)
		[file | rest] = rev
		fileroot = Path.rootname(file)

		# make the URL
		relpath = Enum.reverse(rest)
		[_, _ | trimmedrelpath] = relpath
		root = Path.rootname(file)
		file = Enum.join([root, ".", "html"])
		url  = Path.join(["."] ++ trimmedrelpath ++ [file])

		# make the lines for the toc
		urlline = Enum.join(["url:  ", url])
		page = case trimmedrelpath do
			[] -> Enum.join(["- page: ", fileroot, oldext])
		    _  -> pagepath = Path.join(trimmedrelpath)
				Enum.join(["- page: ", pagepath, " - ", fileroot, oldext])

		# return them
		{page, urlline}

	defp pad(line, n) do
		pad =  String.duplicate(" ", n * 2)
		Enum.join([pad, line])

	defp split([], acc), do: acc
	defp split([h | t], acc) do
		[file | rev] = Enum.reverse(h)
		newacc = [{Enum.reverse(rev), file} | acc]
		split(t, newacc)

The sorter is the hardest bit of code in the whole programme :-)

	defp sorter({path1, file1}, {path2, file2}) do
		len1 = length(path1)
		len2 = length(path2)
		len1plus = len1 + 1
		len2plus = len2 + 1
		cond do

same path, sort by filename

			path1 == path2 ->
				file1 <= file2

paths the same length, sort by path

			len1  == len2 ->
				path1 <= path2

path exactly one longer than the other check if the is the same as the long if it is, the short sorts first if it isn't sort on path

			len1plus == len2 ->
				fname = Path.rootname(file1)
				case path1 ++ fname do
					^path2 -> true
					_      -> path1 <= path2
			len1 == len2plus ->
				fname = Path.rootname(file2)
				case path2 ++ [fname] do
					^path1 -> false
					_      -> path1 <= path2

otherwise see if the is a prefix of the long if it is sort short first if it isn't sort on vs

			len1  <  len2 ->
				fname = Path.rootname(file1)
				case prefix(path1 ++ [fname], path2) do
					true  -> true
					false -> path1 ++ [fname] <= path2
			len1  >  len2 ->
				fname = Path.rootname(file2)
				case prefix(path2 ++ [fname], path1) do
					true  -> false
					false -> path1 <= path2 ++ [fname]

 	defp prefix([], _),             do: true
 	defp prefix([h | t1], [h |t2]), do: prefix(t1, t2)
 	defp prefix(_, _),              do: false
