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defmodule LiterateCompiler.Languages.Erlang do


Processes Erlang files

Public API

The fixed API could have been enforced as a behaviour but that’s a bit over the top

	def is_comment(line) do
		{newt, newl} = is_c(String.trim(line))
		case newt do
			{:code, :code} -> {newt, expand(line)}
			_              -> {newt, newl}

	def comment_level({:code,    _}), do: 0
	def comment_level({:comment, _}), do: 0
	def comment_level({:module,  _}), do: 1
	def comment_level({:fn,      _}), do: 2

	def get_css_ext, do: "erlang"

Private API

in the private function is_c take special notice of the doubled handling of comments

	defp is_c(<<"%jekyll", r::binary>>), do: { {:comment, :line},    r}
	defp is_c(<<"%%%",     r::binary>>), do: { {:module,  :comment}, r}
	defp is_c(<<"%%% ",    r::binary>>), do: { {:module,  :comment}, r}
	defp is_c(<<"%% ",     r::binary>>), do: { {:fn,      :comment}, r}
	defp is_c(<<"%%",      r::binary>>), do: { {:fn,      :comment}, r}
	defp is_c(<<"% ",      r::binary>>), do: { {:comment, :line},    r}
	defp is_c(<<"%",       r::binary>>), do: { {:comment, :line},    r}
	defp is_c(c),                        do: { {:code,    :code},    c}

	defp expand(c) do
		newc = String.replace(c, "{ {", "{ {", [global: true])
		case Regex.match?(~r/{ {/, newc) do
			true  -> expand(newc)
			false -> newc
