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Chapter 4 - How built-in synths are defined in Sonic Pi


One of the working philosophies of Sonic Pi is that the tech shouldn’t get in the way of experimentation.

All the built-in synths share common parameters - some have additional parameters. The idea is that if you have some running code (or are live coding) and you swap out one synth for another then bad things SHOULDN’T happen - it should behave much as you expected and not in a surprising way.

This section is going to look at synthinfo.rb.


All synthesiser objects inherit from the base class BaseInfo mostly by the chain of indirection: SonicPiSynth < SynthInfo < BaseInfo.

But looking at all the synthesiser classes we see a simple pattern - synths come in families and often descend from a common base class.

Note that sometimes synth names are just aliases for each other sine/beep and mod_sine/mod_beep. This aliasing happens in the global variable @@synth_info.

To be recognised as a synth you need to be added to the global variable @@synth_infos in synthinfo.rb.

We can tell what functions are designed to be implemented in the sub-classes by looking for base class members that will blow up if they are not. Examining the code we see:

      def doc
        "Please write documentation!"

      def arg_defaults
        raise "please implement arg_defaults for #{self.class}"

      def name
        raise "please implement name for synth info: #{self.class}"

      def category
        raise "please implement category for synth info: #{self.class}"

      def prefix

      def synth_name
        raise "Please implement synth_name for #{self.class}"

      def introduced
        raise "please implement introduced version for synth info: #{self.class}"

      def trigger_with_logical_clock?
        raise "please implement trigger_with_logical_clock? for synth info: #{self.class}"

There is an extra function specific_arg_info which isn’t in this list and by default which returns empty hashes.

Let’s go through them one by one.

function doc

This function is called when the displaying the GUI. If we go to the doc function for the beeb synth and edit it to add the word yowza:

      def doc
        "A simple pure sine wave, yowza. The sine wave is the simplest, purest sound there is and is the fundamental building block of all noise. The mathematician Fourier demonstrated that any sound could be built out of a number of sine waves (the more complex the sound, the more sine waves needed). Have a play combining a number of sine waves to design your own sounds!"

This function is called during the compile process (not at run time) and is used to generate the entry about the synth in the GUI.

Screenshot of edited synth entry

function arg_defaults

Here is the arg_defaults function of the beep synthesizer:

          :note => 52,
          :note_slide => 0,
          :note_slide_shape => 1,
          :note_slide_curve => 0,
          :amp => 1,
          :amp_slide => 0,
          :amp_slide_shape => 1,
          :amp_slide_curve => 0,
          :pan => 0,
          :pan_slide => 0,
          :pan_slide_shape => 1,
          :pan_slide_curve => 0,

          :attack => 0,
          :decay => 0,
          :sustain => 0,
          :release => 1,
          :attack_level => 1,
          :decay_level => :sustain_level,
          :sustain_level => 1,
          :env_curve => 2

It is simply the list of all the arguments and their default values - note how the values are chained - the default value of :decay_level is defined as :sustain_level. (The chaining is only 1 level deep - you can chain a variable to the value of another one, but that one needs an actual value.)

Oftentimes this function is shared between multiple synths by use of an intermediate class. See later on where the following functions inherit their arguments from the Noise synth:

If you are writing a family of synths you should consider this strategy.

The values here show one side of the story - but the function default_arg_info contains another:

      def default_arg_info
          :note =>
            :doc => "Note to play. Either a MIDI number or a symbol representing a note. For example: `30`, `52`, `:C`, `:C2`, `:Eb4`, or `:Ds3`",
            :validations => [v_positive(:note)],
            :modulatable => true

          :note_slide =>
            :doc => "Amount of time (in beats) for the note to change. A long slide value means that the note takes a long time to slide from the previous note to the new note. A slide of 0 means that the note instantly changes to the new note.",
            :validations => [v_positive(:note_slide)],
            :modulatable => true,
            :bpm_scale => true

This function contains a big set of standard, well-named common parameters. Different synthesisers support different subsets (and different families like the detuned ones or the mod ones or the pulse ones) support similar sets of parameters.

Using these parameters (where appropriate) with these names and the default validations in them will determine if your synthesiser feels like a well behaved Sonic Pi synthesiser.

To understand that better you will need to study the synthesiser definitions in Sonic Pi and figure out which synth uses which parameter and then dig in and see how it is defined in the synthdefs.

Some, of course, will be in Overtone and you will have to reverse engineer the underlying SuperCollider form.

function name

This is the name of the synth as it appears in the GUI - the name you use in code is defined in the function synth_name.

functions category and prefix

Both of these are preset for you during the class inheritance chain: MySynth > SynthInfo > BaseInfo

    class SynthInfo < BaseInfo
      def category

      def prefix

Remember that Sonic Pi uses SuperCollider to:

This code base is used to support all three - but the dip into SynthInfo makes a synth a synth and your class invoked wherever synths are in play.

function synth_name

This is the name of the synth as used in Sonic Pi code - all lowercase and spaces replaced with _s.

These names are also aliased in the definition of @@synth_infos

function trigger_with_logical_clock

This function is used by FXs and not synths - so don’t worry about it.

function specific_arg_info

The function specific_arg_info lets you do validation on arguments that you have added to your synth that aren’t part of the set that was discussed in the section arg_defaults - they take the same format.

In addition synths commonly add the functions arg_defaults and specific_arg_info.

Synth name Base Class arg_defaults specific_arg_info
Bass Foundation SonicPiSynth Yes  
Bass Highend SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Beep/SynthViolin SonicPiSynth Yes  
Blade SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Bnoise Noise    
Chipbass SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Chiplead SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Chipnoise Noise Yes Yes
Cnoise Noise    
Dark Ambience SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Dpulse Dsaw Yes Yes
Dsaw SonicPiSynth Yes  
Dtri Dsaw    
Dull Bell SonicPiSynth Yes  
Fm SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Gnoise Noise    
Growl SonicPiSynth Yes  
Hollow SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Hoover SonicPiSynth Yes  
(Synth) Kalimba SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Mod Beep alias for ModSine Yes  
Mod Dsaw SonicPiSynth Yes  
Mod Fm FM Yes  
Mod Pulse SonicPiSynth Yes  
Mod Saw SonicPiSynth Yes  
Mod Sine SonicPiSynth Yes  
Mod Tri SonicPiSynth Yes  
Noise Pitchless Yes  
Organ Tonewheel SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
(Synth) Piano SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
(Synth) Pluck SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Pnoise Noise    
Pretty Bell DullBell    
Prophet SonicPiSynth Yes  
Pulse Square Yes  
(Synth) Rodeo SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Saw Beep Yes  
Sine alias for Beep Yes  
Square SonicPiSynth Yes  
Subpulse Pulse Yes Yes
Supersaw SonicPiSynth Yes  
Tb303 SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Tech Saws SonicPiSynth Yes  
Tri Pulse    
Winwood Lead SonicPiSynth Yes Yes
Zawa SonicPiSynth Yes Yes

The base class broadly defines a well-behaved Sonic Pi synth, particularly in the function default_arg_info which defines a complete set of arguments most built-in synthesisers accept.